Have A Migraine Free Holiday

Do Migraines really occur frequently during the holidays or does it just seem that way?

The  Migraine Action group, a non-profit organization committed to helping migraine sufferers conducted a study and found that over 60% of migraine sufferers say a migraine attack is commonplace during the holidays.

  • Over half of those surveyed (50.6%) said that they thought a holiday migraine trigger was environmental changes – such as lots of sunshine or changes in temperature. 
  • For 48% the travel itself was a major factor – such as a long plane journey.
  • For over a quarter (26.6%) the stress of planning the holiday was thought to be a cause for the holiday attack.   
  • Changes to eating and drinking patterns (28.3%), relaxation (20.7%), and excitement (14.8%) were also common triggers. 

It’s also commonplace for articles to tell people what they’ve heard 100’s of times.  Avoid the foods that trigger migraines, avoid stress, get enough sleep. While good advice, nothing you haven’t heard before (so just to dot every “I” and cross every “T”)  We will include a list of the most common food triggers you might run into during your holiday feasting,* but we also want to give you some LESSER KNOWN TIPS AND ADVICE THAT CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE FOR SOME OF YOU.

  1. Stay well hydrated – Try to drink 8 ounces of room temperature water every hour.  Especially when traveling and partying.
  2. Hard to do, but really watch the alcohol (red wine, beer)
  3. If you do get visual disturbances prior to a migraine sometime taking 200-400 mg of Ibuprofen will help to abort the migraine.
  4. Avoiding stress is difficult for some of us, take a 100 mg B-vitamin Complex to help deal with the potential migraine causing effects of stress.
  5. If you are a migraine sufferer take your MigreLief. If you don’t have MigreLief at least take 300 mg. of magnesium 2-3 times during each day of the holiday.
  6. Eat a gram a day of ginger if you can. It helps keep your blood platelets from clumping and leading to a migraine. Not necessary if on MigreLief.
  7. Try massaging peppermint oil on your temples if you get a migraine. It works for some people.
  8. Don’t sleep too much or too little. Either one can predispose towards migraines.
  9. Don’t go for more than 2 hours without eating something.  Drop in blood sugar can sometimes precipitate a migraine.

*FOOD TRIGGERS: ANY smoked meats; dairy products; anything with yeast in it; lima, Italian, Lentil, soy beans; avacados; dried meats (such a beef jerky as well as smoked salmon); sauerkraut; pickled herring; chicken livers’ ripe banana; soy products as well as the bean; sodium nitrate which is a preservative in hot dogs, bacon and cured meats; Benzoic acid; MSG (a flavor enhancer) sourdough breads; ALL cheeses’ beer, champagne, vermouth and anchovies; sodium nitrate, which is used to preserve hot dogs, bacon and cured meats; the preservative benzoic acid and its associated compounds; MSG, common name for monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer which is now in almost universal use in almost all processed foods; 

Don’t let a migraine ruin your holiday fun with your family and friends. If you have the time before the holidays get into full swing, go to our product page and find out why MigreLief is the migraine solution you have been searching for.


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